
The Word of God in the Child of God: Exegetical, Theological, and Homiletical Reflections from the 119th Psalm is unavailable, but you can change that!

Psalm 119 is the prayer of one who delights and lives by the Torah. The longest of all the psalms, it is a Hebrew-alphabetical acrostic poem. George J. Zemek provides a thorough study on Psalm 119, studying its various elements and contemporary applicability. Zemek presents a comprehensive introduction to the psalm which analyzes its critical and conservative evaluations, date and authorship,...

gratifies the taste, but aids the judgment, and ministers to the hunger of the spirit.”5 Consequently, the 119th Psalm has been rightly classified as a “giant among the Psalms.”6 Delitzsch commends the heading placed before it in the German Bible: “In our German version it has the appropriate inscription, ‘The Christian’s golden ABC of the praise, love, power, and use of the word of God’; for here we have set forth in inexhaustible fullness what the word of God is to a man, and how a man is to behave
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